Early Years – Supporting effective transition from Reception to Year 1

Who is this for?

This project is aimed at schools who are already committed to teaching for mastery and have previously engaged in a Maths Hub Teaching for Mastery Work Group. A pair of teachers should attend from each school: a Reception teacher and the teacher leading on teaching for mastery within the school. One of the sessions will be aimed at senior leaders within the school, and the headteacher or deputy head should attend this session.

What is involved?

This Work Group will involve to four days of input across the spring and summer terms.

Participants are also expected to engage in research as part of their independent learning through the duration of the project. Specific gap tasks will be set to allow participants to develop aspects of their learning in their own provision, enable sharing of practice, and allow for further developments to be made across the Work Group.

Intended Outcomes

Participants in this project will:

  • develop an understanding of key aspects of effective Early Years maths pedagogy
  • understand the principles of the NCETM teaching for mastery approach, and how these can be applied appropriately within the context of an Early Years setting
  • identify clear progression in mathematics concepts and plan for focused learning
  • identify and implement effective Early Years pedagogies in their own provision, and gain insight into how they will support children in maths learning as they move to Year 1
  • promote a positive attitude towards maths, so that all children are seeking out maths in their environment, demonstrating a willingness to ‘have a go’, and can communicate these ideas.
  • Explore strategies to help close the gap

Expectations of participants and their schools

As this is CPD in the form of a Work Group, participants will be expected to carry out tasks beyond the face-to-face time. They should also be aware that as a Work Group they are developing new knowledge and contributing to a body of knowledge, so should be willing to share their findings more widely.

Participants in this Work Group will be expected to attend 4 days of training:

Day 1: Friday 28th February – The Headteacher or deputy head should attend the morning of this session.

Day 2: Monday 30th March

Day 3: Monday 27th April

Day 4: Monday 22nd June

Sessions will be hosted at Thorndown Primary School and will run from 9 am – 3.30 pm. Participants will visit another setting for the morning of Day 3, and will return to Thorndown for lunch and the afternoon’s training.

Participants will be expected to attend all sessions. Schools will be expected to release participants for the days required and to support them in providing time for collaborative work and gap tasks