Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Secondary Non-specialist Teachers

This project is designed to support non-specialist teachers teaching maths in a secondary school in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support students in maths in the classroom.

What is involved?

The programme is aligned to the NCETM teaching for mastery pedagogy and is based on six key themes:

  • Structure of the number system
  • Operating on number
  • Multiplicative reasoning
  • Sequences and graphs
  • Statistics and probability
  • Geometry.

Participants will explore these themes, supported by an experienced secondary practitioner.

Who can take part?

This programme is for non-specialist teachers of maths in state-funded schools who fit the following definition:

A non-specialist teacher of mathematics is ‘a teacher that is currently teaching some mathematics who has not undertaken initial teacher training (ITT) in mathematics’.

If there is sufficient space in the cohort, other teachers of maths who do not fit this definition but would benefit from this support may also participate.

What are the benefits?

Participants will:

  • explore and increase their use of a range of pedagogic approaches consistent with teaching for mastery
  • increase their confidence in planning for progression in maths
  • improve their subject and curriculum knowledge of secondary maths with a particular emphasis on mathematical structures in key areas.

Cost: The SKTM – Secondary Non-specialists project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.